Let's get to work. There are so many ways to support and take part in the BLACK LIVES MATTER movement. Here are some actions that can be taken RIGHT NOW.

Here are some great organizations that could use your monetary help. Click around and figure out which orgs are a good fit for you and your beliefs.


Add your name to worthy petitions! Petitions have the power to sway decision makers. They send the media the message that there is enough public power to do a story on the topic at hand. They can raise money for a cause. The list goes on...


Put pressure on your local representatives. Tell them what issues are important to you and tip the scales. Issues to mention might be regarding social justice reform, allocation of police funding, taxpayer allocations, police training and usage of brutal force, etc. 


  • Educate yourself: look up how your state is legislating various important issues and then contact your representatives to advocate for issues you are pushing for: HERE
  • Find your Federal, State, County and local elected representatives: HERE
    • Find out how your representatives are voting and hold them accountable

If you are able to peacefully protest while adhering to medical guidelines regarding the spread of Covid-19 (i.e. Staying 6 feet apart from everyone around you, AND wearing a mask) peaceful protests are a great way to take part in a physical way. That's a BIG IF so we've also listed others ways to peacefully protest without going to a physical protest below.


    • If you go to a protest in person it is extremely IMPORTANT to wear a mask and keep as much distance between you and other people as possible. 
    • If you go to a physical protest, plan to quarantine afterwards for at least 1 week before getting in contact with your community again. This action will help decrease the spread of Covid-19.
    • Rachel Freeman-Levin has created a ton of print-ready signs for protestors that can be downloaded HERE.
    • Provide sign making supplies such as cardboard, foam board, poster board, paint markers, paint, thick markers, tape, paint sticks (for handles), etc. 
    • Provide supplies for protestors such as hand sanitizer, gloves, masks, food, first aid kits, sunscreen, goggles or glasses, water, etc. 
    • If your pal is going to a protest, offer to walk their dog or provide child care while they are gone.
    • Be a protestors emergency contact. You'll need to provide your full legal name, date of birth and contact information. The protestor should display this information on their person or write it on their skin or shirt. What you'll want to organize ahead of time is the protestors important numbers such as who to contact in the event that the protestor gets arrested (numbers for relatives and partners, lawyer, local precinct and hospitals, etc.). Make sure there is a bail out plan in the event of an arrest. Check in with the protestor while they are protesting. Make sure any transportation needed is available in the event of an arrest.

If you have any additions to this list that you think others will find useful, please contact us so your input can be added.